Brand Reputation: The Impact of Reviews on a Hotel


We’ve spoken many times about both Brand Reputation and reviews, and we do that because we become more and more convinced every day that they are the two faces of the same coin, that they are becoming more crucial to the success of a hotel, above all in networking.

Regarding the second factor, reviews—by now, they are considered a true and very crucial factor in the process that can cut down the amount of reservations a property gets.  A special study, conducted by  TrustYou’s (one of the most important reputation polling agencies that businesses have on the web) shows the rate of influence that reviews have in today’s world of online travel.


Here are some of the highlights from infographic on the left:

-The number of reviews written on the web is around 100 million;
-Every day, in every corner of the world, more than 75 reviews are written every minute;
-One in every two users (45%) is reluctant to reserve a hotel that lacks reviews;
-Almost every type of person is more likely to book a hotel after following it on Social Networks (Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Instagram, etc.);
-Nearly every user in the survey (87%) says that reviews are a crucial part of their booking process;
-The hotels that rise even higher in consideration if they take the time to respond to reviews–those that do get scores that are 6% higher;
-More than 80% of all reviews are positive.

Reviews  Revenue and the Reputation Machine  infographic


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