Smartphones and Tablets Displaying Significant Increase in Search Share
A recent report issued by the US Online Advertising Report of Marin Software showed that the number of people who use smartphones and tablets to search for hotel information on the internet raised in America.
During Quartal 4/2011, about 10% of all search ad clicks were made by tablet and mobile users. In Quartal 3, the users accounted were only 5%. For your information, in Quartal 4, paid search marketers put a bigger allocated budget to mobile devices that previous quartal.
It is good news for business companies that have mobile compatible website because even though mobile devices and tablets are still in the level of early development, responses from the people are really delighting.
Matt Lawson the VP of Marketing and Partnership at the organization pointed out that they expect the trend to continue as the behavior of the consumers is started to be chased by advertising dollars.
From the 10% of all clicks on paid search ads, 4% were created on tablets and 6% were made on smartphones. The clickthrough rate of the advertisement on a tablet is 37% higher than on desktop, while smartphones were 31% higher.
It is obvious that people are getting familiar with the use of smartphone and tablets in everyday life. In addition, internet marketers who are aware of the new trend are also increasing in number.
The other findings of the organization are the 35% increase of paid search, 56% increase oif click volume and 23% increase of CTR on Bing, Yahoo and Google. Meanwhile, there was a 14% decrease of cost per click in the period of Quartal 4.
With the new finding related to the use of smartphones and tablets for clicking ads on the internet, experts suggest a more focus on creating hotel mobile-friendly websites to the people in general.